Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mark Noonan's vendetta against education: part 2

God, Mark Noonan and his neocon buddies must really fear an educated young person, if he resorts to saying crap like this.

Do read the whole thing as it neatly illustrates both the worthlessness of most modern liberal arts education, as well as the closed mind and leftwing bigotry prevalant at all too many colleges and universities. Can you imagine a graffiti professor? Can you imagine a teacher taking issue with the position of a paper rather than the quality of the argument? Also, for someone to say they “hate” a certain class of people - I thought colleges were supposed to be the home of broad minded people? Of course, we know better - they aren’t. The far left gained control starting in the late 60’s, and these days intellectual inquiry is nearly dead on campus.

And what is Mark's solution to the increasing rampant liberalism that has infected colleges and universities across the States? Do away with liberal arts, that's what!

What to do? My view is that our best option is to de-fund liberal arts education at the federal level…no college loans or grants for it. A rather harsh step, but the primary thing we’d be de-funding is really just leftwing propaganda on campus. Force colleges to choose between lefty indoctrination and having actual paying students, the colleges will mostly drop the liberal arts courses…save for those few which are so popular that the kids are willing to pony up for them on their own (and my further bet is that such a devastation of liberal arts would allow center and right people to enter the field on a competitive basis…see who gets the more students: a course on American history taught by a conservative, or a course on Herstory taught by a bitter feminist…)

You heard him right: his solution to counter forceful liberal to inject a forceful conservative indoctrination.

God, is he ever going to hate this college-bound African-American male.......


Anonymous said...

You heard him right: his solution to counter forceful liberal to inject a forceful conservative indoctrination.

The way to keep your kids from learning anything is to keep them really stupid.

Is this pretty much the only thing Noonan stands for?

Anonymous said...

Yet again the point is missed that a college education is more about teaching you HOW TO LEARN than it is about being fed an ideology. Perhaps one reason why the neocon mindset is such a poor fit with the university mindset - they're all ideology all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yet again the point is missed that a college education is more about teaching you HOW TO LEARN than it is about being fed an ideology.

I think the entire educational experience is about teaching one how to learn.

Perhaps one reason why the neocon mindset is such a poor fit with the university mindset - they're all ideology all the time.

Again it's a poor fit from the beginning. As you say they are so concerned with ideology that their Children rebel against them. So when they have a 14 year old daughter with 3 kids instead of blaming themselves they blame the schools.

Anonymous said...

Fair point, Count - everything I had to say about education, and the neocon reaction to it, applies to education at all levels.

The Noonans of the world just particularly like to go after the Universities because (a) it plays right into the ivory-tower, egghead-professors, insidious-hippie-liberalism stereotypes they love, and (b) they secretly crave the stamp of legitimacy that a blatantly conservative university curriculum would lend them.

BS like this always makes me glad my daughter is going to a school where, as the Middle School Principal has said more than once, "it's cool to be smart."

Anonymous said...

With any neocon nitwit like Noonan, anyone who is intelligent, and by extension makes them look bad, is a threat.

And lo, and behold, colleges are just full of threats to morons like Noonan.

Anonymous said...

That's it in a nutshell 'Zilla.

Anonymous said...

Does Noonan understand that 'liberal arts' has very little to do with 'liberals'?
Is someone getting paranoid?

Anonymous said...

You may be college-bound but remember BOY-you are and will always be a fricken Nigger! So sue me I said it!

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