Tuesday, March 11, 2008

12 Billion Dollars? Who Gives a Rat's Ass?

Just in case you were wondering if the fringes of the conservative right gave a fuck that the American taxpayer is spending $12 Billion on Iraq every month, The answer from Mark Noonan is hell no!


23. Mark Noonan | March 10th, 2008 at 9:30 pm


So, what?

Hey, it's only $12 billion that we're throwing down into a failed foreign policy adventure.......what me worry?

Let me state the obvious: Mark, you are a fucking, heartless prick.


Anonymous said...

He's a heartless prick and a grade A Bush Co. cocksucker.

Anonymous said...

Here's a warning on that kind of language fella. It's perfectly expectable and 100% correct.

Who cares what we are spending over there in Iraq in money and lives ot don't effect Marky.

Anonymous said...

Marks a typical Wingnut moron.

Why isn't his ass in Iraq?

Anonymous said...


I can just see Rush Limbaugh standing behind his "golden Microphone"(bought from radio Shack),with a pudgy fucking pinky to his lips ala. Dr. evil...

"Twelve Beeelllion Dollars..."

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