Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just Me Doesn't Like Newshounders...

Thanks John T.

Fuck you traitorous, America-hating commies. You want America to lose the conflict in Iraq so your asshole leaders Reid and Pelosi can consolidate their power. Son-of-a-prostitute Reid already let that slip.

I hope you all die horrible deaths.


Anonymous said...

I hope you all die horrible deaths.
Just Me | 05.24.07 - 10:35 pm | #

I just read all of the troll dung you copied over to this website, count. It has given me a splitting headache. Just Me wants us to die horrible deaths? The only thing I can say to that is:

What an ignorant, cowardly bunch of fuckwads these trolls are and that asshole "Just Me" heads the list, followed by that retard Enrico.

Hmm. Strange. I feel better now.

Anonymous said...

That's part of the reason I don't post as often as I used too. It gives me a headache too to read this shit. :) Then I start to just copy certain posters with out reading what they post.

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