Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hey Look It's Cedarnut

Dan - If someone wants to terrorize America, they are going to do it and no amount of wire tapping, torture, etc... is going to stop them.

I disagree. You interrogate them, find out who their enablers are on the Left.

If they keep it up, you send them to dirt naps sans any ACLU attorneys speaking up for "terrorist rights".

If they continue, won't listen --it becomes existential, rules become irrelevant to survival -- and you must deport, cleanse, or kill their women and children to root out the enemy within and gain final peace. Happens all the time.

One way or another - they join 1,000 other terrorist movements wiped out in history.
Cedarford | 05.09.07 - 12:00 am |

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