Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oh Wow Konservo You Had Me Fooled

I'm a lib and all, and I was just thinkin'

Doesn't the sidebar graphic of mAnn Coulter (I wrote "mAnn" because it rhymes with Ann, but Ann is a feminine name so when I write "mAnn" it is funny to me) help her reach more people?

I mean, unlike Rush, who we took out of context, mAnn (I wrote "mAnn" because it rhymes with Ann, but Ann is a feminine name so when I write "mAnn" it is funny to me) was serious. It's highly probable that she wants the recognition.
I'm a lib and all, and I think that Al Gore should win every award in the known universe.

I say this because all of us semi-moral libs really really like him.

(As opposed to immoral libs who like Bill Clinton, even though he's a creep old perv.)


Anonymous said...

Poor ol' Konpervo. He's so desperate to be liked and can't stand that - except to his fan club of, perhaps, two - he's simply laughable.

He has picked up a few tricks from Ralph, though. On his blog in his glowing self-profile he now talks about how he provides the kind of "analysis" that DKos and Think Progress and so forth are all missing.

He should have said, "All the insanity of Americaphile, but with fewer capital letters!"

Poor guy.

Anonymous said...

This cocksucker (konservo) just posted again on the threads under the name "Mr. Progressive". You'd think he'd clear the link to his homepage because its a dead giveaway. He's got to be some kind of braindead juvenile college repugnicunt to think we'd miss that one.

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