Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Coulter Lover!

I love how Colmes just throws out his cheapshot while talking at about 200 words per second..

"You're a jewhating antisemite but moving onto hillary clinton even though i think you're scum please tell me your thoughts..."

Its clear that Ann is not an Antisemite and I'm glad she didn't let Alan do a drive-by on her.

Alan couldn't do anything other than stammer and re-read his same two-sentence prep piece, showing his inability to actually discuss the issue like an adult. His motivation was to throw the label on her. That's fine i guess.. that's the kind of show it is.

(Personally I think H&C is the WORST type of cable show, I cant stand H or C)

But Alan's schtick is long since stale. Storing up all his "hits" for the last 10 seconds of a segment like he usually does.. or his fast motor-mouth jabs... its just pointless.

Hannity is just as inane but in other ways.

>Vince, ru kidding? Ru asserting than Ann or Hannity dont have stale schticks?

Hannity is just as stale as Colmes. Where did I ever declare my fandom of Hannity?

Ann never gets old for me though. I'm entitled to my opinion.

>Are you suggesting that they dont throw labels on people.

Well nothing like calling someone Antisemetic in passing while in the middle of asking about presidential candidates.

> Are you suggsetion Hannity or Ann discuss issues like adults?

Well Ann certainly did defend her words... Colmes stammered saying basically "well whatever, you OFFENDED people".

Yeah, we get it Colmes... you're offended a Christian stated Christianity 101.

It's Colmes show, not Ann's... he and his co-idiot host, Hannity, control the tempo and topics. If Colmes was decent he wouldn't just throw out a "you're a jew hater.. now about hillary...".. that diminishes the real jew hatred that is out in there.

No matter how much you dislike or hate Coulter,, no one can say she's a Jew hater.

But like I said before... that's the type of tv show H&C is. so i guess I cant expect anything better.

>Are you really suggseting that colmes is a motormouth and Hannity isnt.

Nope. What's with people like you?

I said I can't stand Hannity.. but for different reasons.. and since Hannity is off-topic here i didn't feel like i had to go into that.

And so what if Hannity is a motor mouth.. I was talking about Colmes..the fact other peopel do the same thing doesn't negate what I'm saying.

If this was a story about Hannity i'd be going through my list of things i dont like about him.. and those things arent exclusive to him either.. does that negate my criticism?

> Why are you so descriptive of your disapproval of Colmes and give a passing frown and Hannity. Hannity cornered the market on blindsiding guests aith nonsense. A. Coulter cornered the market in labeling people and discussing issues with immaturity....

Because this is about ... wait for it... colmes and coulter.

>You can be watching the same show most other people are watching....

I try to never watch H&C.

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