The top post here pretty much sums up the way Democrats think is the best way to defeat an enemy-by ignoring them and hoping they'll go away. But just like you can't defeat terrorism by ignoring the terrorists neither can you defeat us trolls. If you want to defeat us you'll have to kill us,something none of you little babies have the nerve to do.
YOU all our fools!
Have no idea what you are talking about.
You just hate!!!!
Who you gonna hate when Bush is gone.?
People that spew hate, hate themselves!
Funny...I guess Clinton, Obama or Edwards will NEVER be able to use our military since all three are "chickenhawks".To the left a war of choice is any conflict they don't like.
Oh and MSNBC, Air America, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN.....
Give it up.
Were talking about the "chickenhawk" argument, don't start spinning.
Did God instruct Hillary and Edwards to vote for it?
So Hillary and Edwards are just sheep that were duped by the Sheppard...HmmmmAsk any member of the military about your "chickenhawk" argument.
jlstexas | 09.14.07 - 10:07 am | #
Yes, because liberals are poll driven. In '03, they were patriotically supporting the American effort to dispose of a homicidal dictator. Unfortunately, liberals turned on their nation when the terrorists began killing pro-Iraqi forces. The MIT study was discussed and dismissed on this very site. You go back and find it.
Give it up already. Every single study, including the recent MIT study, has found that there is a liberal media bias. Funny how moon bats cherry pick.
Actually, I believe it was Billy C who first mentioned WMD's and regime change.
First visit in 5 months.
I'm back here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Still trying to rebuild my Louisiana estate...long process.
I'll be taking a ride over to Walter Reed soon.
I'm sure that you recall.
Hoping that you will join me in giving our wounded warriors a helping hand.
Let me know and I'll pick you up at BWI.
Once again, and for the last time, the MIT study was discussed and dismissed on this very site. You find it.
Do you think that may because those shows do nothing but grill the administration?! O'Reilly kicks ass in the key demo. What say you about that?
The latest FOX News poll shows that if the United States were hit with a terrorist attack, by a 50 percent to 36 percent margin, Americans would rather have Giuliani in charge than Clinton, including 28 percent of Democrats and an overwhelming 80 percent of Republicans. Independents split in Giuliani’s favor 47 percent to Clinton’s 28 percent.Ummmm.....One of the esteemed writers here at Newshounds cites Fox News polls quite often.
Who is the "ignorant" one?
What the hell are you talking about???
If you asked Eisenhower in 44 as he was in France the same question, I would not be surprised if he would have given a similar initial response as Gen Petraeus.
My mistake, since the topic is FOX NEWS that was my assumption.
CNN 2/Headline News did not run the Dem. response either.
And having Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow comment on the Presidents address is like having The Demoratic Congress give a seminar on "boosting your public approval ratings".
Liberal bias;
CNN yes
CNN 2 ??
Ditto. Dr. Matt, all such comments are being deleted upon sight. If you don't stop it, I am going to ban you.
Liz or anyone else,
If you don't like me, you can stay off my threads.
Banter is fun but the hateful comments ruin any thread and are disgusting!
Edwards did it in a "cheesy" manor.
His site graphic had the headline;
"Edwards Addresses America"
Dan Rather was a great journalist who made a HUGE mistake.
Don't even go down that road...the entire news industry knows rather screwed up and the "memo" was not checked or vetted at all.
A degree does not make an intellegent rational person.
Maddow = Very smart.
Olbermann = Not so much.
If you compare WWI or WWII to today than the reverse is equally valid.
You're a lost cause. By your logic invading and stopping hitler before he started (recommended by Churchill) would have been just as bad as hitler?????
Come on!
Sorry but your out of it..HARMLESS NATION!?
Go ahead, I get to choose to say to you go pound sand.
I suggest you take your argument to the UN and all of the members of Congress then. I can't help you.
If you had been around you would have said leave Hitler alone he had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor.
Wrong! We were feeding weaponry to Great Britain before German declaration.
poolboy | 09.14.07 - 3:52 pm | #
GO ahead put forward your tired bull crap....I'm waiting.
Your selective versions of history is remarkable.
Hey wisdo I answered a WWII/Hitler comment for your information. Please pay attention.
Canadian paul... you have yet to engage one of my points, intead you heave jr. high school comments
The only point for you "canadian paul" is the "point" on your dunce cap. Or should I say Took!
It's amazing how left wing sites devolve into name calling mobs when reasonable debate is attempted.
The ignorance of the people in this room is proven by the fact that not ONE caught on or knows what the term "poolboy" means.
He dim bulbs if your going to hold Bush accountable and compare him to Hitler then the same standard applies to ALL the Democrats that voted for the authorization INCLUDING Clinton and EDWARDS!
Canadian Paul please don't spread misinformation..Clinton and many others had and saw the SAME pre-war intel.!
Clinton tries to cover her ass by saying I didn't read it. Bull-crap.
Good Lord!
There was never and you will never find one statement that Bush said Iraq or Saddam was involved in 9/11
Clinton had the same Intel and made the same assertions that Bush did.
Sorry cowards.
Please.Please tell me where the cooking took place...and please spare me the yellowcake garbage.
Chickenhawks Giuliani And Hannity Confuse Iraq War With Democrats
I see that Ellen has used the "chickenhawk" slur yet again. Ellen I suggest that you consider the fact that the founders of the American republic were unambiguous in rejecting any hint of military supremacy. Under the Constitution, military leaders take their orders from civilian leaders, who are subject in turn to the judgment of ordinary voters. Those who wear the uniform in wartime are entitled to their countrymen's esteem and lasting gratitude. But for well over two centuries, Americans have insisted that when it comes to security and defense policy, soldiers and veterans get no more of a say than anyone else.
You don't need medical training to express an opinion on healthcare. You don't have to be on the police force to comment on matters of law and order. You don't have to be a parent or a teacher or a graduate to be heard on the educational controversies of the day. You don't have to be a journalist to comment on this or any other column.
And whether you have fought for your country or never had that honor, you have every right to weigh in on questions of war and peace. Those of you who cackle ``Chicken hawk!" are not making an argument. You are merely trying to stifle one, and deserve to be ignored.
In Memory Of Eileen Tuuri Friend and Co-Blogger. Thank You Eileen...For Everything.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It Must Have Been Friday ( Poolboy Thread)
And if you couldn't get fucked with out paying for it and you just don't have the cash what do you do? troll of course!
Troll Quotes
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1 comment:
I noticed what Ellen was doing Count, I was there, but unfortunately, I was in an exchange at the time with Wisdo, who for some odd reason was being a real obnoxious bastard. Claudo and myself made the comment that we didn't believe it was wisdo, but someone hijacking his name. Probably poolboy. I saw the comments Ellen made and she even went so far as to delete Dr. Matt's posts. Dr. Matt is not the only regular to use the term, "reich wing", and I can't believe Ellen would get so bent out of shape over it, particularly since poolboy had clearly been pissing on the thread for some time. The whole series of events was rather surreal.
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