Saturday, September 15, 2007

Another Independent Moderate...

In case you haven't figured it out the Count thinks words like Moderate and Independent are politicalize for full of shit!

Case in Point Independent Thought...

It's a civil war, remember? Where is the "green zone?"
I made a few brackets for you, pal.
Aren't liberals out to defeat Bush's plan for success? The Soros-funded junta is doing all they can to undermine American security in the world.
When one supports the war, you ask him or her why he or she doesn't serve. When a soldier serves - then reports - you call him or her a liar if you don't agree. Must be nice to have your cake and eat it, too.

"Last year's NIE (never mentioned on Fox) stated that the American occupation of Iraq is creating terrorists."

Of course it is creating terrorists. And terrorists are bad people. Let's kill them.

Numerous experts also agree that the media is slanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The world is such a simple place to those such as Independent Thought.
Just kill all who believe differently than you do.
And those that you think believe differently than you do.
And those that you've been told think differently than you do.

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