Whites ARE held to higher standards. Rappers make millions for calling women bitches. Whites get fired for saying "ho."
Rocky Lore | Homepage | 09.20.07 - 2:18 am | #
Hannity and Colmes should have done a feature on habeaus corpus-and how it give enemey combatants-NON U.S. Citizens a right to sue in federal court. Michelle Malkin as usual on her blog shows her brilliance has the list of those at Gitmo the Dems want to welcome to America-hint most aren't there for stealing a dollar beef steak from a gas station. It also smells like a new welfare program for ACLU lawyers and trial lawyer lobby. They should have mentioned the troop tour level bill is a backdoor for Congress to micromanage the war.
BartGordon | 09.20.07 - 3:24 am | #
Conservatives are racists? Isn't it liberals who call blacks "Uncle Toms" if they don't share Jesse Jackson and Al Sarpton's racist views? Isn't it liberals who keep pushing racist quota systems?
Rocky Lore | Homepage | 09.20.07 - 8:10 am | #
rbt, Fox isn't the Klan. That distinction goes to the Democrats. Democrats are the only reason the KKK even existed in the first place. Plus, it's Democrats who idolize a Klansman Senator. And can you name one black commentator on CNN?
Rocky Lore | Homepage | 09.20.07 - 9:10 am | #
No there is con artist too.
Ask Jesse sr and jr on that!
MoeDicker | 09.20.07 - 10:59 am | #
you mean like OJ? He's still walking free after killing two people.
MoeDicker | 09.20.07 - 11:03 am | #
As long as its against a black it is wrong.
American Indian, NO
Asian, NO
Hispanic, NO
Last night on Jeopardy an answer was who killed the doctor!
The question: Who was Injun Joe?
Had someone said Nigger Jim, Jesse and Al would have gutted Alex Trebek.
MoeDicker | 09.20.07 - 11:12 am | #
I'll leave the FREED BY WHITES alone and just say that he still killed two people.
There is no need for name calling unless you are sub intelligent. We are pointing out views here.
MoeDicker | 09.20.07 - 11:14 am | #
No mine is not to turn into a lynch mob like the KKK did in the 50's and 60' and 70's. It gets no one nowhere.
Intelligence is the answer here by all involved.
MoeDicker | 09.20.07 - 11:17 am | #
Six blacks beat the fuck out of a white person and then have the balls to protest.
There IS sometihng wrong in this country if this is called justice.
Elk County | 09.20.07 - 11:22 am | #
They should go to jail for as long as the clansman or a nazi. It's the same only different color of skin. Crime is Crime.
Elk County | 09.20.07 - 11:23 am | #
No intelligence here.. Time to look for other signs of life.
Elk County | 09.20.07 - 11:25 am | #
Ur not worth the time!
Bob Wardrop | 09.20.07 - 12:32 pm | #
So let's see, a noose equals,
Six black men beating a white person almost to death!
Three white LaCrosse players are arrested and accused of raping a dancer / prostitute / pregnant with someone else's baby and found drugged up and drunk in a car and that was an injustice to blacks somehow.
Philadelphia is looking for 10,000 people preferably black and male to become police in that city to help clean up the black crime, and i'm sure that no one noticed that the white police quit because of being profiled as being brutal.
In this case of the Jena 6, I would like to know how it is justice to beat someone over a noose? The noose hurt no one. The six blacks did.
Judge Accordingly | 09.20.07 - 5:52 pm | #
The fact that he went to a school function after being almost beaten to death should be raising red flags everywhere
The above seems to be a mute point. Isn’t it the same as saying that if I shot at you and missed I shouldn’t be punished?
This is a really simple case – 6 Negro thugs beat up a white kid (was he one of the noose hangers by the way or just a random white person they thought they would vent their rage on?) and as usual, go crying to Jesse “Shakedown” Jackson and Al “The Instigator” Sharpton when they get caught. There used to be a saying, “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime” and I think this applies here (although 20 years is a little excessive.)
Insults are never justification for violence and I am sure if 6 white kids beat up a Negro because he called them Honkies you would up in arms if the perps were not severely punished. Oh well, just another day on TV for Jesse and Al who refuse to address the chronic problem of black on black crime in this country. They are both disgraceful opportunists and low life crooks who have never done one positive thing for the black community.
Kahanelives! | 09.20.07 - 7:46 pm | #
I find it funny that the Democrats can claim to be the champions of the African-American community when it was their party who supported racist laws. Did you know that Al Gore's father was opposed to civil rights legislation? Plus, it's the Democrats who worship the Grand Wizard of the KKK Robert Byrd.
Rocky Lore | Homepage | 09.20.07 - 9:59 pm | #
You kow, Jesse Jackson said that Barack Obama was "too white" for him. Where is the outrage from the DNC talking heads? Oh that's right, it's okay for Democrats to be racist.
Rocky Lore | Homepage | 09.20.07 - 10:01 pm | #
Ricsan ,if anyone is fascist, it's Democrats like you! You're anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic, pro-abortion, pro-gun control, wanted to prosecute the Danish cartoonists, hate American soldiers, blame America for everything, make excuses for Norman Hsu.
Rocky Lore | Homepage | 09.20.07 - 10:03 pm | #