Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pablo's Pablum

Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 2 hours ago · Flag
Joshua…yes, I was well aware of the cesspool of attitude I was walking into. It is just too easy to rile up the hornets nest with a few facts and questions. Call them out and they go nuts on you. The ironic part of this website is that the people on it don’t realize that how they act is a psychological disorder. If they would in fact read a book (a stretch at times) called “The Liberal Mind” by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, MD they would probably understand their own dysfunctional attitude of hate mongering and name calling. I truly feel sorry for them. Have a great rest of your day!
 Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 3 hours ago · Flag
Joshua, you must be a heartless person to present so many references for people to chew on and think about. ;)
 Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 5 hours ago · Flag
It must feel so good for you to pat yourselves on the back and wallow in your cesspool. Documented…as in MSNBC said so? Would love to see actual facts and not the “gee I was on vacation but since you said so it must be true.” The problem is you cannot produce something tangible let alone credible. The gravity of your ignorance leads to your own liberal demise. The amount of integrity in Sean Hannity’s little toe is more than this entire anger filled site has combined. mlp…as for energized, I appreciate the compliment. As a person of self reliance energized and self motivation are to be admired. Foreign concepts I know. If I’ve raised the IQ or the blood pressure of the fact forgetting members on this site, well then the world is a better place. Enjoy your little hate fest. It must make each of you feel so good!
Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 7 hours ago · Flag
Actually I read quite well. I think the failure to read and your need to explain and defend is obvious. Gee I’m on vacation and do not know what happened, but I am sure of one thing. Really?? As I previously stated, when you don’t know the facts and come to an opinion, you have simply skipped the most important step….critical thinking. It must be awfully dark in that hate filled world you live. Hope you have a better day!
Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 7 hours ago · Flag
Lakeview:……Oh goody, a guessing game. Let me guess….Liberal Lemmings? No? Oh, you meant two words about me. I thought you had two words about yourself for me. Let’s see…..critical thinker…..objective observer….no? Not what you were thinking? Oh, that’s right. I keep forgetting the standing approach of the liberal when facts or critical thinking get in the way of your opinions…you use profanity, name calling and general insults. Bravo Sir.
Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 10 hours ago · Flag
Mlp, spoken as a true Chicagoan….“I don’t know what I’m talking about but I’m certain about my opinion” Ignorance is bliss isn’t it mlp…the world just works for you. Maybe if you read the book by Dr. Lyle Rossiter “The Liberal Mind” you would see what makes yourself tick. Dr. Rossiter is spot on. Farrakhan is not worth my time to comment on.
Pablo Juarez commented on Hannity Uses Chicago's Epidemic Of Violence To Hate Monger Against Louis Farrakhan Again 19 hours ago · Flag
Wow…I think I just felt many brain cells die from reading your blathering. I think you owe me money for my wasted time.


Anonymous said...

Off topic but I thought you might enjoy this lovely photo of Mark Koldys/aka Johnny Dollar at what appears to be his brother's wedding. If you google Mark Koldys photos, you'll get some interesting hits.


Anonymous said...

is that a Mafia wedding? He's large but I can't say anything there.

Anonymous said...

Mafia wedding - LOL - even Mafia look better than that crew. But I know you'll love the warm, family photo of Mark strangling a child.


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