Saturday, February 16, 2008

Truthy Throws A Tantrum

Looks like RALPH, er, Ellen, is deleting inconvenient truths again!

Truth: The Anti-Newshound | | 02.16.08 - 11:15 pm | #

We haven't seen Ellen posting as RALPH very much since I caught her. Wonder why?

Truth: The Anti-Newshound | | 02.16.08 - 11:16 pm | #

Overlooking His Own Role In Smearing Obama's Religion

Reported by Ellen - February 16, 2008 - 113 comments

What religion is Obama? Show us where Hannity "smeared" that religion.

Didn't think so.


Truth: The Anti-Newshound | | 02.16.08 - 11:16 pm | #

Hannity: Fruit or Vegetable?
General Escape Goat PbRibbon | 02.16.08 - 3:22 am

Hannity: Super-rich or Wealthy?


Ellen, your posts as sockpuppet RALPH were hilarious. When will you start posting as RALPH again?

Truth: The Anti-Newshound | | 02.16.08 - 11:31 pm | #

as per usual Ellen is dealing with Truthy tonight with threatening regulars

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