Patriot actor, you probably are a good guy, I'm sorry, lefties, Democrats, whatever you want to call yourselves are normally not guys you see reading the Wall Street Journal....Didn't mean to brag if that's how it came out, but just mixing facts with my points...
Scratch a progressive democrat and you will find a racist.
john t, go fuck yourself along with Edward Furlong, was not talking to you kook...
John t, how many blacks have been over at your house this month or last month? I'm sure you're the type that says 'some of my best friends are.' You think you're on the right side because it makes you feel good...As for Reagans cabinet? Who freakin cares? I was in junior high watching Thunder Cats...What's your point?
Rabid progressives and democrats scream "racist" and "nazi" any time they are confronted with facts.
Freud had a name for it.
But Russ, don't you want 'Faux' News off the air? Isn't that why we're even on this board...
KKK? Ever heard of Byrd? Claudo, we had it out years ago...I went by Johnny Appleseed at the time...Finally revealed my real name...Hello!
That's okay eddie furlong, Hillary and her racist campaign has done that all by her lonesome self...Again go fuck yourself....
It's a slogan people...Such liers...If that's how you really think and that's your only beef (speaking of beef), why not go after McD's., Wendy's, etc. with the same passion an vitriol...
I have a new slogan for you:
If Faux news tilted right, you wouldn't be on this board
In Memory Of Eileen Tuuri Friend and Co-Blogger. Thank You Eileen...For Everything.
Monday, February 25, 2008
No Rest For The Count
Troll Quotes
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