Monday, February 25, 2008

It Just Keeps Going

Republicans want to empower the individual no matter what their color, Democrats want to race bait and push programs that keep minorities impoverished and in need of government support.

Read some legislation from the past 20 years.
Hey google troll, spend some time actually reading legeslation and who voted on it then we'll talk.
Take NYC as an example.
Do you know what 1985 was about?
Please tell me how todays Republican party is "racist".

Who appointed Thomas?

Just stop.
Lefties are Nazis
Would everyone on this board be happy if FOX News disappeared? Why? Really what are your objectives?...No FOX and no opposing views?...Ever wondered why you people are always whipped into a frenzy over FOX & talk radio? I think the hit piece of the NYT on McCain and the facts that the rest of the mainstream press tilts left should make all of you little nazis just giddy...But there's that one opposing view (FOX) that just bothers you doesn't it. Won't rest unless my view reigns supreme..Let me make it really clear for you intellects on this message board (i.e. Patriot Actor, fly much?) It's obvious to you FOX tilts right, so if they tilt right, then NBC, ABC, NPR, NY Times, etc. must tilt ________ (Guess). Oh, and please get over that lame argument on which corporation owns which broadcast company...Whether you realize it or not, NAZIs were socialists & fascists...So since you're socialists and you want to get rid of FOX, that would make you __________ (Guess). Notice leftiest are always on board (and worship) dictators (Venezuela, Cuba). Anyone care to rebuttle?
Why don't you ask why Bill Clinton is race baiting and ask Howard Dean why he thinks only "Blacks and Hispanics" work in the hotel service industry.

Michael Steele was embarrassed on the campaign trail by DEMOCRATS throwing Oreo cookies at him. Who are the racists?

You are a typ. closet racist who will do anything to justify your "Uncle Tom" bullshit.

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