Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some More Hussein O'Nut Job

Wait till Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Jr. wrecks the CIA, Military as well as the economic system by overtaxing the folks that make the American capitalist system run and which is the most unique system known in the history of the world. Can yellow traitors and ass wipes like you have the cake they enjoy in America and still knock what others believe? Notice that old HUSSEIN put his d--- in the dirt by saying that he would go back into Iraq if Al Queda set up shop there. HUH? Guess that really upsets you towel head lovers. McCain will eat him alive on defense and security issues and HUSSEIN says he wants to castrate our intelligence so that Al Queda can set up even more cells here (NHs and are probably sponsoring a cell or two now) just to save their necks when the towel heads starting attacking schools and setting off nukes here!!!

Notice that Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Jr. said that he would go back into Iraq, if Al Queda set up a base there. Huh, what are you flower throwers going to do about that. John McCain explained that Al Queda was already in Iraq and Pakistan and Afganistan and Syria and Yemen and Somalia and Chad. HUSSEIN seems to not be able to decide just what he would do. Oh yes, how will the far left dems and Barack HUSSEIN Obama get the price of gas back to $1.50 per gallon since you tree huggers do not want to drill in ANWAR nor drill off shore nor build any nuclear power plants. Are you NHs going back to horse and buggy and water power? Huh, Huh?

Edit. Dogfucker who is on newshounds 24/7 is calling other people addicts.

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