Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yakki said it best

From Yakki's blog:
"I do believe that as a US citizen,my points are valid.Yakki,Yes, your points are valid as to the discussion. But they have zero validity so far as the facts are concerned. When the Liberalism has left you, you may commence further discussion.TY--Jeremiah--"

Pleae notice Jeremiah's excuse for barring me from posting. It's my "liberalism". Not that I was wrong. Not that I was trollish. Not that I was mean spirited. But because he considers me a liberal. Poor brother Jeremiah,so frightened by the mean old liberal who brings logical arguments to the table instead of wingnut malarky.

I do believe you are a coward Jeremiah. A coward who lacks the intellect to even "pack my tools" as it were,in regards to debate or even intelligent discourse. You represent the fundamentalist mindset to the core of your being. You are a modern day Pharisee,standing on your street corner,proclaiming your prayers loudly to all and sundry,only for YOUR glorification.

Allow me to add one other opinion here: Our problem with people like you is that you preach tolerance and God's love, but you speak of anyone that doesn't share your beliefs and/or ultra-Conservative ideology like we have been infected with a contagious disease. A brilliant example of your spitefulness is described as you endorse another one of your evangelical Conservative brethren for the Senate:
As Paul notes, the "good guys" just aren't winning the Culture War in today's modern society. Too many organizations like the ACLU, I call them the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, are advocating on the side of the Secular Left in America to remove God from our money, from our public places, the Ten Commandments from our Court houses, and especially our schools and universitites. Very Left-Liberal-Socialist leaning teachers have made it a point to thoroughly brainwash students with the Feminist, Homosexual, and Socialist agenda. With the classroom, comes the next generation; as each school year passes and these students are released into the real world, the more our society is poisoned with Liberalism and its disasterous effects.

The "good guys" aren't winning the Culture War?
Since when was this ever a war to begin with?
The only battle you are fighting is the one against those who don't subscribe to your extremist views of Christian preaching and reality.
Jeremiah, people like you illustrate the problem with religion: you use your own faith to justify your radical ideology, and to divide us.


Anonymous said...

He left a post over on my blog,playing to his wingnut victimization.

He is still an unapologenic COWARD of the first water.

Anonymous said...

Do these clowns whine much?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and Yakki, Count. This jerk is a coward who lives only to play his victimization card everywhere he goes. Truly, he puts the "path" in "Pathetic"!

Anonymous said...

Well,it's my fault see,because I came to his blog and showed him to be a stupid git.

Jeremiah can't stand that. It goes against his authoritarian nature to be shown for what he really is.

I should really be ashamed of myself,honetly.

It was like fighting a child with a toy sword,using a claymore.

Anonymous said...

Yakki.Psd said...
It was like fighting a child with a toy sword,using a claymore.

Well just from what I've read, you sliced him into sushi repeatedly there pal, and his attempt at justifying everything based simply on his hackneyed faith based perceptions was truly some of the most pathetic reading I've seen outside of some of the NH trolls.

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