Thursday, February 21, 2008

Does Anyone Have The Balls?

Does anyone have the balls to come out and say that the Huffingtons and Kos of the world should monitor their sites though, much like the editors of a newspaper might, for everyone who makes fun of people with cancer? (and please, the examples you cite are nowhere near as bad as what most of the kooks post)-- is Edwards so far above that kind of behavior he was accused of? We heard about first time "kid" speech to Kerry--plus, is there anyone more slick and oily than Edwards??? Come on, people! Yes, Rush is a bore, but the sewer-level comments that propagate most left sites are absurd-and obscene.

See, there used to be this called standards and.. oh wait... most of you won't understand this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The thing is, I don't think this goober even understood what he just typed. If he did, he would have realized what a rambling piece of babbling bullshit he had typed and would have known by posting it he was going to make himself look like a total jackass.

Then again, he obviously can't think for himself, so that explains how this troll dropping got posted.

Hey tom! Welcome to patheticland! Keep it up and you may be elected its king one day!

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