Saturday, February 16, 2008

Open Thread

You got Something on your mind?

Post it.


Anonymous said...

Fuck Winter

Anonymous said...

I'm normally a fan of winter, but this year has been too much. I'm looking forward to that Air America cruise next week.

Am I the only one who feels that the NH people have won the battle but lost the war? The site just doesn't seem the same.
I'm largely reduced to occasional lurking, and post very infrequently now. I find myself just staring at the screen trying to think of something to say that will neither offend anyone nor be deleted immediately for not being strictly on-topic.
I never was a big troll basher, but I do miss the friendly banter/conversation that the regulars occasionally had. And an occasional swipe at a troll is good for the soul. Some times the topics are just so narrow that it's really difficult to keep all thoughts strictly to topic. Besides, isn't strict conformity a RW thing?

Anonymous said...

I'm normally a fan of winter, but this year has been too much"


Anonymous said...

Daughter maintains that over here, it's already "sinter." I said it was still "wing" but she begs to differ.

@ MLP, no, you're not alone. You don't keep the class in order by giving the smart kids detention and letting the troublemakers scribble on the desks until you can get around to cleaning up their mess. I know they have a daunting load to deal with, but I find the whole thing kind of backhanded, to say the least. I've been trying to post more on the mains to lend them some support, but it's really hard. Thank heavens for the OT.

I wonder if they'd consider a daily or weekly "Mock The Trolls Here" thread which they simply wouldn't moderate and would delete whenever a new one was launched. Sort of like a blogging Etch-a-Sketch that you periodically shake upside down. That would corral the silliness but still let us blow off steam.

On another issue...I think Hillary is getting some truly bad advice from her campaign people. And McCain had better work to excise the phrase "my friends" from his speeches or he is going to be ridiculed forever and wickedly throughout the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...


I've been freezing my nuts off too. Kentucky's weather has been whack. We'll have 20* F,then the next day 50*. It's had me in a head cold for over a week now. Bought ready to throw a stick at the sky and give it a cussin',lol.

What's with the new "Ellen" and vulgarity? Never seemed to be an issue before. Just made the statement that Hannity has a tiny dick,it got took up by others,and we got called down for it. Wonder if it's an issue that the blog may be getting press or something?

That open thread idea is a good on ET. But guaranteed the trolls will avoid it like the plague if they know that's what it's for. They'll hit every thread but that one. Honestly,trolls play the mods like a well worn violin,and it shows. And I guarantee they sockpuppet to send email complaining about regulars.

McCain needs to brush up on a lot of stuff,lol. But he's only got this shot at the brass ring. A few more years and the poor guy is definetly going to be too damn old for the job. If he's geriatric to voters now,four years later isn't gonna help him. And I don't think he's got enough time to practice before the election honestly. That temper and some of those "values" he holds are going to hurt him.

MLP: I think the mains feels different too. It's not the same by a fair stretch,and a lot of it has to do with the "on topic" mantra. Blog comments are just like a RL conversation,and conversatin dies without an influx of new ideas. Going "off topic" is as natural as breathing. It gives the mind the time to think of new possibilities about a subject,while still gaining input. Throttling that actually hamrs the flow of ideas,IMO.

Anonymous said...

Maybe after NH gets the new system complete and installed things will return to normal, but I don't think so.
"I've been trying to post more on the mains to lend them some support, but it's really hard. Thank heavens for the OT." , from ET
Lending them your support is admirable, ET, but I don't feel as indebted to them as I do to the posters who made this site what it was.
And the OT is like watching paint dry. As an example, I got home from 'work' in the early AM Saturday, went to the OT and left a post. 4 hours later, I woke up still sitting at my computer, and there was still no follow up post.

Anonymous said...

It may be "sinter" or "wing" in BC - I envy yez. A few weird days here - freezing rain this afternoon, rain tonight, then back to below-freezing cold by Tuesday.

Don't know what to think about what's going on at NH. I'm not much of a troll-basher (except for poor put-upon Ralph), but they do spice up a comment thread. One of the initial attractions of Newshounds for me was its Attitude. If I wanted high-level dignity I'd have gone to another web site. "Won the battle but lost the war" is a good way of putting it, MLP.

And yeah, the OT has been pretty quiet too. Maybe the rowdies are all over at this blog, or at Yakki's. Or Ralph's.

There'll always be a place for us to hang out at. I'd really like it to be Newshounds.

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