Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Whole Lotta Trollin Goin On

The Taliban and Alkida would never allow a female leader in Pakistan.

I thought Iraq was "making the world safer"
jr | 12.27.07 - 9:40 am |

Better there than here. They would love to do the same thing here.

"The latest bombing was the second outbreak of political violence in Pakistan today. Earlier, gunmen opened fire on supporters of another former prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, from an office of the party that supports President Musharraf, killing four Sharif supporters, police said.

Mr Sharif was several kilometres away from the shooting and was on his way to Rawalpindi after attending a rally."

It makes sense that Musarrif might want Sharif dead. So that's plausible

(in another thread, someone thought Musarrif might have been responsible for the woman biting it)

i love how folks like Brian Beach anthropomorphize Fox News... like the organization itself has a point of view and the people on the air are just animated bodies with no minds.

Like CNN can be pro-anyone as long as they can get access.

Some people hate the USA so much they will believe anything.

It will be interesting to see how the Democrat candidates try to spin this.



Libtard dimbulbs think changing the world requires nothing more than a press conference or two.



There was a time in the past when all people lived under warlords. Civilization has moved on. The uncivilized people must be converted or destroyed. The world has become too small for both to exist.

Is it respectful to start looking for political advantage, blaming President Bush or U.S. covert operations for Bhutto's assassination? I guess I missed the part where you complained about that.



If her point was that I am going to call you on your lies and hypocrisy every chance I get, then you're correct.


Funny (or maybe sad) that whenever someone makes this charge, they're never able to back it up with a post from me.

Whatcha got?

Didn't think so.

You're letting your prejudice get the better of you.

Get a spell-checker people. Reading these posts is giving me a headache.

Thanks for confirming that you have nothing.

Unless you're the type of libtard who thinks reductions in tax rates are "racist". In which case you're just a nut job.

You lose.

Uh, no.

Feel free to give us a link to a Bush administration official saying that countries without civil liberties are safer.


Yes, and you have yet to bring anything to the table to show everyone how I'm "racist".

You've got nothing, you prejudiced loon.

Many on this blog feel that the Middle East can live under War Lords and never need to be introduced to democracy.

The Taliban hated Ms. Bhutto for the fact that she was a woman and had threatened to kill her even before her return. Liberated women in this country is one reason we are hated by the Muslim world.
Let's go for relevance next time, Prof. Show us a quote from an administration official that says that countries without civil liberties are safer.

I, on the other hand, can provide many quotes from President Bush's administration saying exactly the opposite of what you claim, ProfessorDuh:

"And this president saw the wisdom of removing terrorism’s cause by advocating the spread of democracy, especially in the Muslim world, where authoritarianism and repression have provided a potent growth medium for despair and anger aimed at the West. He recognized that democracy there makes us safer here."


Yes. People here often write that "those People" in the Middle East (or in this case Pakistan) have been "fighting each other for thousands of years," and anyone who expects Democracy to blossom is not realistic. Of course this is the soft racism of low expectations for people of color -- and a common liberal bias. They forget that prior to 1945, Europeans were also fighting each other for thousands of years in nationalistic, religious and tribal wars. In very recent times, a politcal assassination started World War One.
So which civil liberties did the Bush administration take away from us? The right to communicate with al Qaeda leaders in foreign countries? I'm sure we're all worried about that one!

Yes. Bayonets. Like at 'ol Miss or the Little Rock High School -- or in Germany after WW II.

You're stupidity is breathtaking.
Terrorist threatening the security of the world.

The guy has seen the light.
I can always learn to type more carefully, but no matter what you do, you will always be an brainless idiot.
It is nice that Bush and Obama agree.
Congratulations! You're the first to truly try and blame the situation on Bush.

Your B.D.S. is eating away at few few working brain cells you have left in your pointed head.

Fucking Moron
Why, so the more extreme Islamist elements in Pakistan could have overthown him and taken control of their nuclear arsenal? Great idea.

Have you and Satan been sneaking into the men's room again and licking all of the toilet seats? You know how irrational that always makes you. And as you mother said, you could get germs.
Northwoods take a peek at the short, fat, ugly, arrogant dimwit Francis. Besides playing the part of the village idiot here at the Mutts place he is also well known for scaring small children in his neighborhood.

You should be stuffed like
Trigger -- and prominently displayed in the "National Museum of Left Wing Lunatics."
You're as dumb as a box of rocks, only less articulate.
The third world taco eating wetback gives his expert opinion. You're not only stupid but insane as well, good luck with that.

Paige you have a terminal case of BDS seek professional immediately. Read more about your condition:

The psychology of some of the Bush Haters is pretty cut and dried. They hate Bush because he stands between them and the implementation of their collectivist "utopian" vision. I have no time to waste on them, except to note that their intentions are deliberately and decidedly malevolent toward this country. They want it to fail at anything and everything it does and they openly cheer for the barbarians at the gate.

They are indistinguishable from the barbarians we are actively fighting, with the only difference being that they have different ideas about which group of thugs will be in charge of the "utopia". They prefer themselves--a more secularly-oriented set of thugs--to rule.

But what about the average person on the street who has, or has come to have a visceral hatred of President Bush? Perhaps they simply didn't vote for him in 2000, believing the media propaganda or caricature of his intellect and capabilities; or perhaps they simply didn't like him because he was from the opposition party, or a Texan. or any other number of normal reasons.

It seems to me that the Democrats and the Left have used their continuous propaganda well, but there is a also a strong personal psychological factor involved in being able to convince normally sane people that the source of all evil in the world is George W. Bush.

After 9/11, in many cases, even a mild dislike of "W" rapidly morphed into the ferocious Bush hatred we are now all familiar with. The opposition to a conservative Republican; and reasonable disagreement with his policies became a swooning hysteria; and an unmitigated, deranged hatred with all the accompanying paranoid delusions.
Good post. But most of the people here are too sick with BDS to even realise the symtoms of their pathology. They truly are insane. there is no other rational explanation.
I agree, they all seem to be terminal. The sad part is they won't even face up to the fact they have a problem.
Get help. Your serotonin levels have dropped again.

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