Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Vince Fox Fan

My my look at this: FOX IS MOST BALANCED NEWS !

Press Release:

Election Study Finds Media Hit Hillary Hardest
Obama, Huckabee Fare Best;

FOX Is Most Balanced (not a typo)

TV election news has been hardest on Hillary Clinton this fall, while Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee have been the biggest media favorites, according to a new study by the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA) at George Mason University. The study also found that Fox NewsChannel�s evening news show provided more balanced coverage than its counterparts on the broadcast networks.

"Who’s Fair and Balanced?: Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties
than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were
split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49%
positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties.
On the three broadcast networks, opinion on Democratic candidates split 47% positive vs. 53%
negative, while evaluations of Republicans were more negative – 40% positive vs. 60% negative. For
both parties combined, network evaluations were almost 3 to 2 negative in tone, i.e. 41% positive vs.
59% negative."

FOX has more positive coverage of Democrats than they did Republicans.


Laughing at claudo grasping at anything. like claudo is going to accept any info that runs contrary to its brainwashing. lol laugh.

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