Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Whole Lotta Trollin Goin On Part 2

Here Paige read a little more regarding your condition:

What makes Bush Hatred completely insane however, is the almost delusional degree of unremitting certitude of Bush's evil; while simultaneously believing that the TRUE perpetrators of evil in the world are somehow good and decent human beings with the world's intersts at heart.

This psychological defense mechanism is referred to as "displacement".

One way you can usually tell that an individual is using displacement is that the emotion being displaced (e.g., anger) is all out of proportion to the reality of the situation. The purpose of displacement is to avoid having to cope with the actual reality. Instead, by using displacement, an individual is able to still experience his or her anger, but it is directed at a less threatening target than the real cause. In this way, the individual does not have to be responsible for the consequences of his/her anger and feels more safe--even thought that is not the case.

This explains the remarkable and sometimes lunatic appeasement of Islamofascists by so many governments and around the world, while they trash the US and particularly Bush. It explains why there is more emphasis on protecting the "rights" of terrorists, rather than holding them accountable for their actions (thier actions, by the way are also Bush's fault, according to those in the throes of BDS). Our soldiers in Iraq are being killed because of Bush--not because of terrorist intent and behavior. Terrorist activity itself is blamed on Bush no matter where it occurs.
Yes. And one of the symtoms of BDS is to "blame America/Bush first." No matter what the issue, they will always find a way to attribute every evil in the world to Bush or the USA. If a goat farts in Bolivia and stinks up a village, they will find a way to blame Bush for that. These people are batshit crazy.
Would you rather have Musharaff or Al Qaeda running Pakistan?
Oh without a doubt. They must be horrorfied to face the truth that Bush will be our president for a another full year. They should realize by now that even with the demorats controlling congress Bush is still the decider. Sucks for them, but what the hell, they are all insane anyway.

Yes. It's always the fault of the USA. Get help.
You beat me to it! This claudo creep probably claims to be a true American too. I've noticed he is always the leader of the 'Blame America First' pack. He is truly insane.
Jerk, if you look back over the postings you will see that the BDS lunatics started the personal name calling.
You forget the Albanians. You are one very strange woman.
Just making sure you have ALL the facts. Wouldn't want to jump to conclusions now would you?
(a) It's always America's fault.
(b) It's never America's fault.
Abby | Homepage | 12.27.07 - 12:57 pm | #

newshounds chose answer (a) everyday and twice on Sunday.

and that's a fact.
Do you want your readers to believe that Fox News is the only organization that speculates?
It's pathetic how when comments are frequented by leftists how immature and innane the discussion is. It's worse than Romper Room.. my nephews treat each other better than the name-calling that comes from alledged adults.

Conservative blogs comments have way more quality than this... but that's because we actually think instead of default to groupthink.
its been made apparent that some of the regular leftists here collect the posts of dissenters. hell, may be they save every post of every thread. so, find your buddies woke and count istvan and ask them for every post by abby, wisdo, and professorduh.

there's your proof.

this coming from someone who ONLY posts comments about those that don't drink the lefty koolaid.

have you EVER posted an on topic comment? I've never seen one.

Didn't Edwards and his ilk say concern for terrorism is a bumper sticker. Well that 'numper sticker' killed Mrs. Bhutto.

Afterall even with Bhutto's assassination it can be referred to just a 'bumper sticker' slogan.

The tinfoil conspiracy theorists on the left are already out in force.

B. Hussein Obama did say that we should invade Pakistan-maybe we should now-with 150 million people, many nukes and half the population there supporting al-Queda, let's follow obama's idea.
Where is Edwards today with his 'bumper sticker' slogan?
A poster on Lucianne's website stole my thunder. The Ldotters are always ahead of the curve.

B Hussein Winfrey is going to save the world!
Abby impresses all with the deep questions.
Should we invade Pakistan now? Where is Edwards today anyway?
He killed Bhutto!
I call for us Progressives to investigate Bush's murder of Bhutto!
I wonder what the percentage of those who are regulars in Bill Maher's audience even know where Pakistan is on a map? Hint: not many Yet Bush is stupid-LOL
AMERIKKKA is a Facist Police State!

The Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA) at George Mason University ..... found that Fox News Channel's evening news show provided more balanced coverage than its counterparts on the broadcast networks.

Bush killed her!

Edwards is going to have his wife call Mussarff when he's on Hardball next.

Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49% positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties.

On the three broadcast networks, opinion on Democratic candidates split 47% positive vs. 53% negative, while evaluations of Republicans were more negative – 40% positive vs. 60% negative. For both parties combined, network evaluations were almost 3 to 2 negative in tone, i.e. 41% positive vs. 59% negative

Obama, Huckabee Fare Best;
FOX Is Most Balanced (not a typo)

Link q=f...ening+news+show

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