Sunday, March 2, 2008

More Bullshit From Suicide Bob


Why do leftists define "hate" as anything or anyone that disagrees with their political agenda?

The Left has changed so many meanings of words; the words "hate" and "racist" have come to have new meanings.
I see "hate speech" here at NewsHounds every day.

I do not see it at, or

I do see it at Daily Kos and Huffingtons.

I do not hear "hate speech" on Limbaugh's radio show.

I do hear it on Air America.

You blanket "everyone" that has opposing political views as yourself as "right wing".


I will no longer use the term "leftists"; instead I will use the term "left wing".

Is that acceptable to you?
Almost 70% Believe Traditional Media Out of Touch With Their News Needs.
Such was the conclusion of a new Zogby Interactive poll, as reported by Reuters.

Republicans (79%) and political independents (75%) are most likely to feel disenchanted with conventional journalism, but the online survey found 50% of Democrats also expressed similar concerns. Those who identify themselves as "very conservative" were among the most dissatisfied, with 89% who view traditional journalism as out of touch.

This should come as no great surprise. After all, as traditional media sources are regularly parroting Democrat talking points as they bash all things Republican, it goes without saying that those on the left would be more trusting of what's being reported.

Coulter's humor is misunderstood by most. I will give you that one. And you could make the argument that Ann can border on "hate speech" on occasion.

However, I am not aware of Hannity ever uttering "hate speech". Care to give an example of it?

>>>>>>I mean,Barack the magic Negro? >>>>>

I would highly suggest you find out facts before spouting off about this one.

Barrack, the Magic Negro was from an article written by a BLACK COLUMNIST with the LA Times. All Limbaugh did was read the column outloud, and then had Shanklin add music to the columnist's words.

It was a BLACK man that said Barrack, the Magic Negro, not Rush Limbaugh.

Facts. Pesky things.

And, bacause I so firmly believe in FACTS...

Here is the column, from one year ago this month: center

"Obama the 'Magic Negro'
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.
By David Ehrenstein, L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.
March 19, 2007
AS EVERY CARBON-BASED life form on this planet surely knows, Barack Obama, the junior Democratic senator from Illinois, is running for president. Since making his announcement, there has been no end of commentary about him in all quarters — musing over his charisma and the prospect he offers of being the first African American to be elected to the White House.

But it's clear that Obama also is running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination — the "Magic Negro."

Fox Run, your comments are amazing, and graphically point out what is wrong with this PC world we live in today. I suppose the writer of that article about Barak should not worry about saying it, since he is black? Is that what you mean?

I think a better idea is simply get the text of the top ten rap songs and read the words to those songs on the radio, uncensored.

What do you think?

You quote Media Matters, a left wing blog.

I quote the actual author and writer of the column in question.


No, he didn't sing anything. Paul Shanklin did.

Why is it OK for a black reporter to refer to Obama as a "negro" and it is not OK for a white radio host to refer to Obama as a "negro"?

Please answer that one, single question.

I am very curious as to the answer that a liberal would give to it.

I know what a conservative would say; what would a liberal say?

So. No one will answer, but everyone seems to enjoy throwing personal attacks my way.


Somehthing about history that happened in the 1600's?

No. I want to know why it is perfectly acceptable in 2008 for a black newspaper writer to say the word "negro" when refering to Obama, and it is not acceptable for a white radio host to say the exact same thing.

Is there a single, solitary person here from the politcal left that is actually a thinking, rational adult, or is everyone here a ridiculous child with room tempature IQ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I answered that damn question like three fuckin times.

He's thick as a brick.

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