Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Then Ban Me .

Why are you here, given that you are always posting about how much you hate us? It's not like we'd miss you if you left for good.
No, nobody hijacked my name. It's the real Ellen and I'm sick to death of reading Count's nasty posts about us in the forum and elsewhere.

His latest ranks the worst moderators of the week, or something like that, and I'm the co-gold winner.

As far as I'm concerned, he can just stay off my threads and hope he doesn't get banned from the forum, too.


Mr. Brown said...

What the hell is up with Ellen. I have much respect for her, but I just don't understand what's her bitch with you.

Hell, I don't understand most of the mods bitch with you.

Anonymous said...

You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

Anonymous said...

not shocked.

Anonymous said...

It couldn't be Count that it is because you are a leftist prick could it? Soo sad that someone used your name on that site-LOL It's called poetic justice.

Anonymous said...

So somebody used my name and Ellen banned me for that. It's still boils down to Ellen being worthless.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoever you are Anonypussy,you're a coward.

Guess you couldn't handle Count taking your ass to the cleaners everytime.


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