Why not just stop posting?
Or I can post using three names with three different personalities.
Chrish told us why she decided not to accept comments.
And you are playing Eddie Haskel with your head stuck straight up her ass.
She's the boss.
It's her thread.
You don't like it, there are millions of other blogs on the internet.
And you troll on all of them correct?
I would think that Chrish would be very insulted to think that people would fawn over Donna (I mean no disrespect to you Donna) because she gave a slightly different reason for stopping comments on that thread.
Just keep kissing that ass Uber-Nip. Actually it would make sense that you would align yourself with a mode whose actions are being questioned and distance yourself from the moderator who took the time to explain what was going on. That's what a troll does.
Do you think you have a say on how Chrish runs her threads?
Do you think you do?
What is wrong with you people?
Why don't you post using three different names, whine like a little bitch and kiss ass like Nip does?
You don't like how you are being treated?
Go somewhere else.
Just let Nip and his sock puppets post.
You don't have a "God Given Right" to post here.
But Nip Does
Posted by: nipigon1 on Thu 1.24 11:29pm
Surely you aren't trying to say that Yakki has three names?
Posted by: nipigon1 on Thu 1.24 11:37pm
Here's the thing Uber-Nip when you type not trying to be funny your posts are hilarious but when you post trying to be funny your posts just suck cock.