Tuesday, January 29, 2008

RIP Margaret Truman 1924-2008


Margaret Truman Daniel dies at 83

Margaret Truman Daniel, the only child of President Harry Truman and a gatekeeper of her parents’ legacy, died Tuesday. She was 83.

She died in Chicago of complications following an infection.

Daniel was the glamour of the homespun Truman presidency. A singer, writer and commentator, she lived much of her adult life in the public spotlight.

In April 1945, President Franklin Roosevelt’s death elevated her father to the presidency. From that moment, Daniel embraced a largely public life as presidential daughter. In the role, she invited the spotlight that her mother had shunned and maintained the public’s memory of her father’s service.

Daniel was born Mary Margaret Truman on Feb. 17, 1924, in Independence, and her parents were thrilled upon her arrival. Her mother, Bess W. Truman, who previously had suffered two miscarriages, had avoided buying nursery furniture. So, upon her birth, Daniel’s parents outfitted a bureau drawer with a pillow...

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