Saturday, March 1, 2008

Brother Jeremiah sheds some light on Farrakkan's enodrcement of Obama

Good evening Hell-bound, liberal sodomite appeasers, and welcome to another powerful and compassionate sermon from the Gospel According to Reverend Jeremiah. Tonight, brother Jeremiah explains what Farrakkan's endorsement of Barack Obama could indicate what America will have in store for itself, should Obama win the general election.

Not much difference is there?

Obama's latest endorsement coming from a crazed-bigot, and hater of the Jews.

What can we gather from such an endorsement?

Well, for one, he is the acting head of the Nation of Islam for Elijah Muhammed here in the U.S., and also his interests include give power to the African American movement. He is best known for his anti-semitic remarks against America.

Such as - "White people, are "potential" people-they haven't evolved yet." He praised Hitler in a speech, in which he said - "Hitler was a great man." Which alludes to the fact that Farrakhan would like no better than to see Israel wiped off the map. Terrorist appeaser #1. In my honest humble opinion.

In Farrakhan's endorsement the other day, here's what he said - "If you look at Barack Obama's [diverse] audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed from what they were," Farrakhan said. "This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be a better place."

Just before the actual endorsement, here's what Mr. Farrakhan said - "We are witnessing the phenomenal rise of a man of color in a country that has persecuted us because of our color," he said.

Hmmm, interesting, to say the least...I wonder where Mr. Farrakhan would be today if it had not been for all the brave Christian men and women who fought to make this country free, in the bloodiest battle in American history...?

If anything, Lewis, there's one thing for sure, YOU didn't pay the price, it was the Godly Christian White men and women that fought to make America free.

Obama opines - I have been very clear in my denunciation” of Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks, Obama said at the Democratic debate in Cleveland, “I did not solicit his support.” Obama said he “can not censor” individual endorsements but said there is no affiliation with his campaign and Farrakhan. “I can’t say to somebody that he can’t say that he thinks I’m a good guy,” Obama said, citing his support among Jewish Americans and stating that he would make it a priority to soothe historically tense ties between the African-American and Jewish communities in the nation. “I have some of the strongest support from the Jewish community in my hometown of Chicago and in this campaign,” he said, describing himself as a “stalwart” on supporting Israel.

"Stalwart"? Yeah, riiiight.

If Farrakhan's endorsement is any indication at all, then it means that America must awake now to the dangers that lie ahead. Obama may "denounce" Farrakhan's support, But I'm not buyin' it!!! Within a year's span, following Obama's oath of office, I would not be surprised if this country comes under the gun of radical Islamic terrorism. The whole of the Islamic community supports him, so there's no need in Obama trying to play into the hands of voters with this "audacity of hope" rhetoric, the picture is clear as the blue sky. It was Obama's suggestion that he was the "Only one against the Iraq war from the starting point." He cannot look straight into the eyes of the American and then call himself a "stalwart" in "support" of Israel. Thousands possibly millions of Jews were slaughtered at the hands of the Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Taliban.

To better interpret what Obama is trying to say, here is the translation of what he said last sunday - 'I, Barack Obama, am a stalwart for my own personal agenda, America will succeed no better than what my agenda allows it to.'

Hopefully, Americans won't be hypnotized and fall into this empty-vessel of "hope," that has already blinded millions.

Your thoughts...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where Christian men fought the bloodiest war in history?

African-Americans fought in that conflict too. They certainly weren't white, and many were NOT Christians.

Oh, and for the record, many Christians used the bible to justify the practice of slavery. Just as many of those same Christians use the bible to justify racism. Surely, Jeremiah doesn't fall into that group?

What am I saying?

Of course he does.

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