Have A Great 2009.
If I had to grade 2008 I would give it a B. Uneventful on a personal level but after 2006 and 2007 to some extent that's really not a bad thing. There is no question if I stopped and took stock of everything that has happened this year it would be more good than bad by a pretty fair margin.
I don't do New Years resolutions at least not on individual goals. The way I figure if you say I have to quit smoking, lose 45 pounds and drink less...and I'll start in January... your odds of success just aren't very good. But next year at this time I want to say that I am in a better position to be prepared to deal with life around me and deal with it better. I know that sounds like an odd New Years Resolution especially for a person my age but I think it's a worthy one.
I hope everybody has a great New Year.
Happy New Year!!!
(note its not in English which makes it supper funny)
I don't do Resolutions either, Count. It just seems kind of artificial to me, and actually something that gets in the way of bettering yourself and the world around you.
They do say that what you do on New Year's Day sets the tone for the rest of the year, though. I hope yours sets the tone you want!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Count!
Happy new year stephen. I Know I will be sucking those cocks and taking it long and hard up the ass tonight.
They do say that what you do on New Year's Day sets the tone for the rest of the year, though. I hope yours sets the tone you want!
Man there's a lot more riding on that Gator Bowl tomorrow than I thought :)
Sad but true while that game won't set my mood for they year It will go along way in setting my mood for the day.
Note I did say listen to new music
I did not say you had to like it
Hmm...look at me...in the wee hours of 2009 I'm hanging out blogging.
Guess I'll be around this Series of Tubes for another year.
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