The obvious is clear: unions, thanks to their useless ideas of '40 hour work weeks', have brought this man to his backside, and then had him trampled by a stampede of good capitalists. Of course, we should not actually blame the shoppers: bargain days are an essential feature of capitalism, and the way these shoppers behaved is only natural. Instead, the unions are to blame, because their policies kept workers away from the store during a time the store needed them most. If WalMart could keep its stores open 24-7, then the stores will always be open, and there will be no resulting stampede of people into the store.
If you honestly care about the future of people like Mr. Damour, then you will take away the useless 'reforms' the worthless unions have implemented. In addition, we must also extend the Taft-Hartley Act to ban unions from protesting anywhere. If you aren't willing to work at least half the week, then you don't deserve any sympathy from hard-working Americans. Free speech, just like freedom, isn't free, and it's become clear that the unions haven't earned theirs the way the rest of us have.
In Memory Of Eileen Tuuri Friend and Co-Blogger. Thank You Eileen...For Everything.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Blame the Unions!
This is sick....over at Jeremiah's nuthouse of a blog, one of his contributors blames the tragic Black Friday trampling incident on the Unions. No joke.
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The obvious is clear: unions, thanks to their useless ideas of '40 hour work weeks', have brought this man to his backside, and then had him trampled by a stampede of good capitalists. Of course, we should not actually blame the shoppers: bargain days are an essential feature of capitalism, and the way these shoppers behaved is only natural. Instead, the unions are to blame, because their policies kept workers away from the store during a time the store needed them most. If WalMart could keep its stores open 24-7, then the stores will always be open, and there will be no resulting stampede of people into the store
Is this a joke? It has to be a joke. Please tell me it's a joke.
That "Scrutator" dude is even more whacked out than Jer. If that is possible.
Scrutator is just plain screwed. He and Jer are proof positive that overdosing on religion makes you stupid.
There are two Wallmarts in my town which are open 24/7.
Then there is the sticky fact Wallmart does not have unions representing the workers...yet!
Of course if we went back the work till you die pre 1940s there would be a lot less shoppers
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