In Memory Of Eileen Tuuri Friend and Co-Blogger. Thank You Eileen...For Everything.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Did Everybody Get What They Wanted?
I hope everybody had a great Christmas and had a great day all the way around. And here's hoping you all got the gifts you really wanted. :) The Count's Christmas was pretty cool. Got some neat gifts and had a lovely two evenings. The best gift we got might have been bedding which we got from my Mother of all people. The Count's bedding was older than dirt and the blanket was riddled with several Cigar holes and I haven't been allowed to smoke in bed since 2003. Even still we never replaced the bedding. I guess the Contessa was worried I would hate what she bought and I never thought of buying new sheets...hell the cigar holes gave the blanket class. :) So with all the neat and cool stuff we got the Blankets, sheets and pillow cases were probably the best. :)
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All was good, Count. The present I'm proudest of giving is having knitted and filled a stocking for my sister, who says it's the first time she's ever experienced stockings, either the receipt or the stuffing thereof...and she's near retirement age! So it's good that we were able to give her a new and festive experience.
Santa also brought ET Household a three-station wireless intercom, which will hopefully *work* and thus put an end to picking up the phone in the basement office and having to trudge up one flight of stairs and holler up another one for ET Daughter to pick up a call.
Mostly it's just been nice to cocoon with the immediate family and with my sis and hang out together. Tomorrow ET Daughter and a couple of friends are braving the Mall Melee for a few hours, and after that I am planning on taking sis yarn-hunting before a nice dinner out.
Hope your Boxing Day is a good one, Count!
Hope your Boxing Day is a good one, Count!
It is St. Stephen's day :)
Ah, well, so it is. Let's hope Good King Wenceslas looks out and, no, I'm not interested in being anywhere today: whatever peasant gets there first is welcome to my parking space!
Holiday cheer to you, my friend.
Other then the stolen stuff it was a good Christmas here.
Had a great X-Mas, Count. Glad yours went off w/out a hitch.
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