Friday, May 4, 2007

With All Due Respect...Fuck You As Well

Yes in the last three nights on Newshounds I have been insulted, stalked and finally had my Identity stolen. So they decided to ban me. when I asked why here was the answer?

You were banned for your incessant troll-baiting and hijacking of threads. I just can't take it anymore -
you take too much of my time and make us look bad.


Want to stop looking bad? Stop the blaming the regulars and find somebody who knows how to fucking moderate!

Where were you when this was being written? We're you too busy chasing off Regulars?

This Troll has some problems with me as well...
The Count is a stupid Douche-bag. The Count has one name. Count Istvan is a 1st class Douche-bag loser.

You fucking moron, only assholes talk about themselves in the third person. Guess you missed the memo huh dipshit. Nebraska, home to queers and steers and a fucking loser that thinks he is a count.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, and yet I can. I posted not too long ago on NH and had no idea this had happened. If they have done this to you Count, the trolls and thier tactics have won. With moderators falling for thier tactics and banning of the regulars, the konservative keyboard kommandos will win at destroying what NH is. I thought I would go back and continue the fight, but with the moderators banning regulars right and left and trolls being encouraged... ENCOURAGED to post, I don't see the point any longer.

I have made it a point to find and join another blog somewhere else. Failing that, I'll just let my voice fall quiet here on the net. I may start my own blog, and I may not.

Right now, I think I'm going to vent my anger a bit, and go find a small city to step on.

Take care Count.

Anonymous said...

What have I been telling you all along. ELLEN is a dumb-ass commie bitch.

I love it.

Liberals eating their own on Newshounds.

How do you like them apples?

Anonymous said...

G-Dawg this may come has a surprise but I admire you. Your ability to type and jack-off at the same time is amazing.

Godzilla. If you start a blog be sure to let me know what the link is. And of course you can post here Once I decide what to do with this blog. I'm not getting rid of it but I may change it's purpose.

Anonymous said...

One last note. Godzilla if you can please post on off topic. You are more than welcome there.

Anonymous said...

What the Count said, Godzilla104! The Off-Topic is much friendlier and anything-goes and your voice there is missed. I hope you'll come back to the OT at least. - ET PbD

Anonymous said...

What have I been telling you all along. ELLEN is a dumb-ass commie bitch.

I love it.

Liberals eating their own on Newshounds.

This is the God honest truth, sorry to hear you being banned Count you deserve better. The feminazis at Spewshounds got you as they will every man with even medium sized balls. Those bitches are scared to death of real men, the phds, the wimpy dudes there will gang up on you and in the end they'll end up 100% pussified both literally and figuratively. Here's hoping for greener pastures for you Count. I gave up on that lame fucking site Newshounds long ago. Now go somewhere where your strong opinions are appreciated, for your good dude. Peace!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

For the record I was banned by Chrish :) And that post looks exactly like one left by somebody with an IP Number that's very close to The Ranger's on my journal.

For the record I don't think either Chrish or Ellen are "dumb ass commie bitches" And as for the size of my balls...

Aunty Em Ericann said...

Count Istvan said: And of course you can post here Once I decide what to do with this blog. I'm not getting rid of it but I may change it's purpose.

We read Newshounds so you don't have to???

With all my love,
Aunty Em

PS: I made a joke at your expense in OT.

Anonymous said...

That's a good idea Aunty.

Anonymous said...

I visited the threads today and, much to my surprise, the same trolls were posting the same bullshit almost at will. I really expected that without John t, you, Yakki and Toyomi, all conversations would be pleasant and a general aura of peace and goodwill would pervade the atmosphere.
Yeah, sure I did!
Please keep us informed as to your new hangout. Maybe all us disillusioned troll-baiters should just come here and drive you nuts!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I almost forgot....
Sorry to hear about your little balls.

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